Sonntag, 27. November 2011

Where to read manga

I assume people who find my shabby little blog are most likely already very well informed about this subject. Nonetheless I would like to say something about it.
Since in my country a lot of the manga i read isn't available and i would have read my self into bankruptcy if i would have bought every single volume, I read most of it online.
To find a online manga reader is very easy nowadays. You just need to google it. I personally am not a big fan of those, based of following reasoning:

When you read manga online you read "scanlations". Those are created by "scanlation groups" witch scan the original manga, clean it, translate it and edit it together. Because of copyright issues those groups exist in a grey area of the law and get sometimes into trouble. I would advise people read a little about these groups  to better understand and respect their work. 
Here is a link i found very helpful:

Online manga reader sites collect the work of those groups, often ignoring their wishes, and present it very user friendly on their page. While scanlation groups barely get enough donations to pay their servers, online reader sites gain profit through advertising and donations.
Getting profit out of copyrighted work is kind of illegal and this gets the scanlation groups into trouble, since they created the scanlations.

I would advise people to get their manga directly from the scanlation groups and regard their wishes, or else this "free manga online reading" bubble might burst.

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