Sonntag, 27. November 2011

last clarifications

Almost time to review some manga just some clarifications:

After long thinking i chose to take a mangalist start by the most popular ones and cover those I've read. I will not start with my personal favorite ones because it would cover mostly the same genres and be one sided.
On the downside most people will already know the works I'm talking about and I will have to cover most of the mainstream stuff right at the beginning.
Also since I start with the popular ones, most of them will have certain level of quality and end in a good review witch doesn't mean I won't be harsh on works I dislike.

If someone would like a review over a certain manga feel free to ask me. I will write one right away or after reading it. If I have time!

There are a few terms I'd like to declare before i start. People that are active in a forum often use these and I might use them without realizing.

Manga written for male readers at the age of 10 to 18.
Is the shortcut for Weekly Shonen Jump. Shonen Jump is the most popular publisher in Japan and WSJ is their weekly issue. Most of it is famous and mainstream.
Manga including robots as enormous vehicles or weapons.
Ecchi / Fan service:
A term for the borderline to nudity. There won't be any over the edge nudity but there will definitely bi skirts flipped by the wind etc... 
One shot:
mangas containing just one chapter.
Manga written for male readers at the age of 18 to 30. They contain violence, crude humor and explicit sexuality. These works often are very dark and serious.
Manga from Korea

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